presentation The Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences - Oujda Master Financement Banques et Investissement organizes, in partnership with le Centre de Recherche et de Développement de l’Oriental an international symposium on
« The practice of Economic Intelligence in Africa : Specificities and Limits »
Oujda 22, 23 November 2019. Argumentary Nowadays, the world business is characterized by the globalization of markets and the development of information technology. In fact, economic intelligence has emerged as a powerful implement for the competitiveness of countries and societies. Indeed, the contribution of intelligence lies in its ability to mobilize strategic information, skills and knowledge. Economic intelligence is considered as a tool for decision support or a skill to understand a complex environment in order to make the right decision. Moreover, knowing how to control the environment is more than vital for both companies and nations, especially where the global economy is marked by economic and informational war. In Africa, economic intelligence is considered as a key imperative for countries wishing to join the international economy. This is a significant component of economic development, which is one of African countries challenges in order to integrate the world economy. Indeed, the actors of the economic intelligence in Africa aim to be inspired by the experiments foreigners, to develop African initiatives while taking into account the specificities cultural. However, few scientific articles deal with the practice of economic intelligence or the strategic monitoring in the continent. In order to highlight the practices of the economic intelligence in Africa, the University Mohammed first of Oujda, the FSJES, organizes an international conference on the theme: “Practice of economic intelligence in Africa: specificities and limits”. The event is organized in partnership with the African Economic Intelligence and Intelligence Center and the Center for Research and Development of the Oriental. The main objective of this international colloquium is to bring together practitioners, professors and academics, as well as doctoral students and young researchers to enrich the debate on the specificities of the practice of economic intelligence in Africa and discuss the contribution of African economic intelligence model. Areas of research Considering the broad field of the area, we welcome proposals that cover the following themes: - Challenges of economic intelligence in Africa - Information Technology and Economic Intelligence - Economic intelligence and territorial governance - EI in the public sector - Knowledge Management - Competitiveness of companies - Policies of economic intelligence - Technology watch and innovation - Information security - Analysis and treatment of information - Intelligence and intelligence market - Big Data and Open Data - Economic intelligence to artificial intelligence - Territorial intelligence - Economic intelligence and economic diplomacy - Economic and ethical intelligence - Cyber war and cyber attack - Lobbying and Influence - Economic intelligence and international trade June 30, 2019: Deadline for receipt of communication proposals The conference does not include a participation fee. Conference coordinators
Scientific committee
Organization committee
Partnership · Mohammedia Strategic Intelligence Laboratory
· Hespress Center for Studies and Media Editions VA
· The African Intelligence and Economic Intelligence Center
· Portail Africain de l'Intelligence Economique
· Journal of Research in Economics and Management
· CGEM Oriental Work evaluation The communication proposals will be the subject of a dual-anonymous evaluation by the members of the scientific committee of the conference. Contact For any inquiries and information, please contact:
· Pr. Amine DAFIR: |